Which sample collection is required?

It depends on the test selected, from swab, urine, bloodspot, feces, hair.

Where do you ship the test kits to?

We ship worldwide. Currently, we ship to more than 70 countries, so contact us to find out!

How do you process data?


How long does it take to receive a test result?

The average processing time is between 14 and 21 days.

What test is suitable for my condition?

We do not give medical advice without medical consultations with a qualified practitioner. If you’d like to have a medical consultation, please e-mail us your location, and we will try to find a practitioner near you.

Why invest in a laboratory test?

Laboratory test results are objective and quantifiable. They provide practitioners and medical examiners with a quantitative perspective into the internal functions of the body.  Beyond subjective and topical assessments, laboratory tests offer objective data that can then assist in the diagnoses of various conditions. For many practitioners, the use of both quantified data and an intuition—refined through many years of medical experience—is the key to an accurate diagnosis and successful patient treatment.